
+ Data + Tech

If anyone takes a closer look to current and future sustainability related reporting requirements, e.g. SFRS or CSRD, it should be obvious that it is going to be entirely new set of tools, processes, integrations and tech+business requirements to handle by any corporation. Starting from the largest businesses, meaning that enterprise architects should already be laying new layers of system and process designs on top of the existing complexity.

Let us help you out, be it then about finding right tools for compliance reporting, data modeling, establishing data flows in supply chain or general understanding how all those new reporting and compliance requirements affect your business, data and IT.

CTO on Call

Not every organization can or should have their own dedicated CTO but the benefits of having one to guide and lead the technical planning, design and development are obvious. CTO on Call is a concept which let’s you to decide the bandwidth you need of this expertise.

Any organization that needs to understand technology, be it then about using suitable tools and services for increased productivity, own (mobile) application development or being a pure tech company can save big bucks on their tech investments by having competent technology expert onboard.

MVP as a Product

MVP, Minimum Viable Product. Delivering that as a product is a new approach to design, develop, test and learn new line of business, idea, innovation, way of working or kick start something new on your organization.

We’ve productized MVP to package which has fixed length, costs and structure. All the dangers of making MVP should be minimized while the framework allows full flexibility and dynamics inside.

ICT Sourcing

ICT sourcing (buying services, systems, software or hardware) can be a tough job. It is challenging not just because of the ordinary hurdles of sourcing and all the expertise needed but top that up with extreme complexity. It is not that uncommon that ICT projects are known for failures with budgets, deployments, maintainability etc. Not every organization is capable of recruiting own experts for these tasks and those don’t need to be. Get the most seasoned experts to run your projects top-down. Investment on this expertise pays back before the actual project even starts.

Digital mystery shopping

You have heard of mystery shoppers, right? If you haven’t, read further to learn about the term. And if you are well aware what that means, you can now learn what it means when you take this traditional business optimization to digital world for measuring consumer experience. Harder thank you think.

eCommerce as a service

Talking about full service here, end to end. Not just the setup and the hosting of your ecommerce store but marketing, product data, inventory and warehouse management, processing the orders, shipping and handling of returns, replacements and other support tasks. Your role is just to ship wholesale batch to warehouse per order, warehouse management will take care of ordering more when needed. In return the payouts will happen monthly. Low/no risk way to expand your business and sales.

KPI frameworks

Every business should have metrics of some sort. Having decent metrics, ie. performance indicators, helps to focus on doing the right things and identifying the wrong ones. Target driven businesses tend to be more successful and if you and your organization has known metrics to follow the trend on daily basis helps everyone to understand their role on the big picture and helps you to drive results with clear focus.