Privacy Policy

Who we are

Superpowers Development, a business registered to Finland (EU).


Some media content (e.g. videos) embedded to the website can contain 3rd party tracking and cookies. Whenever possible we try prevent the embedded media to set any cookies or perform tracking before the video is played. Clicking on play on video content usually triggers the tracking and that cannot be prevented in most of the 3rd party content.


The website uses cookies by default to store technical details (e.g. if other cookies or tracking is accepted or not) and additional cookies are set only if user has accepted the categories of cookie purposes on concent pop-up modal when website loads the first time for the visitor.

Who we share your data with

We don’t share data with 3rd parties.

How long we retain your data

Anonymous or pseudonymous data (your device has been given an ID written to cookie or other storage) is retained max 12 monhts from collection, in most of the cases shorter period of time.

What rights you have over your data

Theoretically you can request your data back to you, correct it or to be deleted. The challenge is that all collected data being pseudonymous we cannot connect you and your request to data stored. If there has been subscription to email newsletter or you have initiated a chat with email address, you can request your data to be removed by sending an email about it to us.

Where your data is sent

We use 3rd party systems for improving user experience. These systems reside in EU region and don’t store identifiers that can be directly connected to your identity.

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